Sometimes there is too little, sometimes too much. In North Dakota, we have both extremes. Record flooding across North Dakota have set before us challenges of enormous magnitude to tame and control these floods to protect property and lives.
At the same time, drought and the significant growth throughout North Dakota, in both our rural areas and cities, sets before us equal challenges to develop infrastructure to provide adequate water supplies to areas east, north, west, and south.
Water has always been a priority in North Dakota. Collectively, the organizations under the North Dakota Water umbrella work diligently with federal, state, local, and nongovernmental partners to further North Dakota’s efforts to protect, develop, and manage its water resources, and provide solutions when there is too much or too little.
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Red River Retention Authority Seeking Executive Director
The Red River Retention Authority (RRRA) is taking applications for a full-time consulting Executive Director in a multi-state office, representing 7 watershed districts in Minnesota and 14 water resource districts in North Dakota. Primary duties include promotion and...
59th Annual Joint North Dakota Water Convention and Irrigation Workshop
The 59th Annual Joint North Dakota Water Convention and Irrigation Workshop was held December 6-9 in Bismarck, ND. This year’s convention featured updates on drought in the southwest and how that might impact us here in North Dakota, use of the Missouri River and...